What Is The Porn Star Experience?
The “Porn Star Experience” is the most high-mileage service that legal escorts and other sex workers offer. Some escorts only provide companionship or non-kissing, protected sex. Other sex workers will offer a warmer experience called the Girl Friend Experience (GFE), a warmer sexual encounter with deep kissing, cuddling, and unprotected oral sex.
Where GFE is soft and warm, PSE is rough and rowdy. A PSE service will likely include unprotected high-energy sex, special lingerie, sex toys, anal, facials, threesomes, and sometimes fetish. For escorts who provide PSE, it’s usually their priciest menu item and is generally only available to select clients who meet particular criteria.
FREE Guide: 13 "Erotic Zones" To Explore On Your Partners Body During Sex...
Touch these area's to give them more pleasure. Or simply please yourself 😉